When embarking on either a new build project or work to be carried out on an existing structure, the employer, contractor, or both, will need to take out a Contractors All Risk insurance policy (also known as a Contract Works policy), to cover the liabilities they have with respect to the task at hand.

What’s protected

A Contractors Combined insurance policy arranged by Schofield can cover existing structures that are undergoing a refurbishment, temporary and permanent build projects, as well as materials and tools that are damaged or stolen before completion.

The team at Schofield are not only here to help you make sure that you are meeting the sector requirements by having protection in place, but that this protection is going to be effective if you need to make a claim should the property you’re working on be damaged, an employee or member of the public is injured, or tools are stolen.

Any plant that you hire in for a project can also be covered with a Contractors Combined policy along with your own materials and equipment.

Enduring cover

The protection doesn’t end with the project build. If contractual obligation means you’re responsible for any defects that might occur within 12 months of completion, your Contractors Combined policy can cover you for the cost of rectifying these.

Insurance requirements on any project build will vary from the next, but a Contractors Combined policy arranged by Schofield may typically feature:

  • Employers Liability
  • Public/Product Liability
  • Own or hired plant
  • Employee tools and materials
  • Goods-in-transit cover
  • Defects Liability
  • Damage to permanent or temporary works