It is well known that running a successful restaurant, hotel or bar amounts to more than good food and the right location. The best restaurateurs are first-class business entrepreneurs with a firm grasp of financial matters. Choosing the right suppliers for your business is vital and your restaurant insurance provider is no different in this respect.
Restaurant and Bar Insurance is an essential purchase and, whilst it’s not a particularly glamorous task, failing to find the right Restaurant Insurance package could affect the future of your business. After all, protection is needed for those times when your business has suffered a loss or faces a liability claim. You need your Restaurant Insurance provider to deliver when your business is threatened.
It’s not (just) about cheap insurance
Of course, keeping costs down is vital and Restaurant Insurance is a good target on which to focus when it comes to reducing fixed overheads. But there’s no point in concentrating solely on getting a cheap Restaurant Insurance quotation if the policy offered represents poor value. Quality Restaurant Insurance cover and an efficient claims service are worth paying for – after all, you are buying a promise of service.
We will listen to your needs at Schofield and help arrange cover tailored to your requirements.
You can speak to someone with years of relevant experience each time you ring – the same person every time if you like.
As your broker, we’ll be there for the long haul: assisting and advising you on all relevant matters. When you make a claim, our team of dedicated experts will be at your disposal to ensure you get the service and response that you expect.